Not sure if you're asking based on some certain kind of current event, but just a general off the top of my head macroeconomics view would be we are going into the summer season, so it is certainly going to become more docile and just kind of go sideways usually barring any other strange events. That being said, if we were to add in some current events, it is extremely likely that the United States government, us treasury, and Federal Reserve are going to be tanking the United States dollars value. Not only is it being tanked by global economics, because of the geopolitics of b r i c s, The anti-America packed of countries Brazil Russia India China South Africa that of all grouped together to now stop utilizing the dollar for the global currency to buy oil with refer to as Petro dollar, and instead are going to use the Yuan Chinese money, now referred to as Yuan Petro. One of the hundreds of reasons that the news media was pushing the propaganda of anti-trump again last week with the fraudulent indictment, is they recovering up geopolitic events like Mexico Colleen Joe Biden in America stupid and saying they're going to make a negotiation deal with the BRICS packt, in India officially made the first Yuan Petro deal, and China Xi Jinping president brokered a peace deal with Iran Iraq and are now slowly moving into I ran to control their oil flow thus replacing the United States as the global leader that was doing that previously.
So if all of that doesn't spell Doom for the United States economy and thus our United States dollar and then the valuation of companies in the stock market, a lot of us are very weary about news that the Federal Reserve is planning to push the new digital Central Bank digital currency also known as a cbdc, in july. There is already started to ramp up anti-cash like you saw at the Cubs baseball game, and are turning the dial up on that to push everybody into the digital currency. The word from the FED is they want to have fed now started up in july, and if they're going to do this they're going to need to take the value of the dollar and then do a currency reset to force everybody into the new digital currency to gain a purchase power back by trading in your physical dollars or old school United States Reserve notes in place for the new fed now cbdc digital coins of america. So it's a very leery time right now, and many are suggesting to not hold dollars or stocks and put it into commodities and precious metals like the old gold bugs have said for many many years haha.
What do you think? 🤔
They the shooter must have been pro trump maga because he was a registered Republican, well that doesn't prove political alignement like these people that claimndem but voted in rep primary.
Friend of the #TrutherCast podcast show, Carboad Trump, reads aloud his post on #TruthSocial about his live event where he will be calling out the #LIES of #CrookedJoe Biden in real time, during the #StateoftheUnion address. Make sure to give him the viewing numbers, and not those #lamestreammedia bafoons. 😉
Trump's postbon Truth Social:
Great show with Dan and our guest Dieder going over H-1B debate and some other highlights from last week. Check out the show, and drop a comment beloooow
Here's a good video montage of some receipts on why Jimmy Carter was not a decent person or president like Joe Biden tried to say like Mr Doug says here I don't want to dance on mr Carter's grave or anything but I also don't think we should just automatically glorify bad people once they're deceased
Wow. How we corroborate this? 🤔
"The suspects in yesterday’s attacks on Bourbon Street in New Orleans and Trump Tower in Las Vegas both served at Fort Bragg, the same military base Ryan Routh visited over 100 times before attempting to take Donald Trump’s life."