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November 12, 2022

Personally, I do not think it's a sacrifice of image at all. Currently, me and my mom have a debate that she believes Disantis should run for President and Trump shouldn't even run at all.

I asked her if that's sort of her mom programming, because she believes that there would be more peace if Trump does not run again, specifically asking her if she feels that a subconscious part of her wishes that she could talk with her sister again because of her. Trump Derangement syndrome. My mother said. Yeah, you're probably right, actually.

Currently, I'm hypothesizing that it would make absolutely no sense to have DeSantis run and become president, because then we waste another term of Donald Trump's possibility, as well as Trump is the bulldog and we need someone to flip the table, drain the swamp type **** right now.

We don't need Trump light, DeSantis, coming in like a less than pit bull and trying to play coy and be nice. That's actually what Trump did the first term. And we always know that the presidents are lightfooted the first term and go heavy-handed the second because they don't have another term period. So in my humble opinion, if I were to think big 30K political landscape, macro chess, it would only make sense to sacrifice the second term of Trump and have that dude go down as the mean tough * that flipped the table and funked up only for the Trump light DeSantis to come in next and be the one that puts the pieces back together and gets the positive kind of glory after everybody is exhausted of losing their mind and fighting hard during the next four years of Trump.

If Trump pushes the frustrations totally far up to the 100 level, it is essentially the reverse rock bottom in my humble opinion, which are generally one of the only times you get people to actually change opinions and make decisions. People have. You had zero to 100 rock bottom before they surrender, and go with the other idea or the logical idea that is clearly beneficial but is going to seem like more tough work or more annoying boring work. Trump 2024, DeSantis vice president, DeSantis, 2028, and 2032. And then DeSantis should probably have someone whacko like Ted Cruz as a vice president to balance out the nice and mean. Good cop, bad cop aspect. No?

I definitely feel it's time to have more actionable vice presidents, I was always bummed that Pence wouldn't speak up more to try and play good cop to Trump's mean cop. Which is why I've always thought that Vice president was an extra stooge puppet position. Even more than President. Lol.

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February 27, 2025
Apple sucks! Flashes "Trump" before filling out the word "racist" when using voice to text.
February 05, 2025
Elon's 4 Horse Men

Ya'll see the 4 Horse Men team of Elon's coming to end the Woke in USAID? 🤔 😂

19 - 24yrs old, now Dems complain opposite of Trump, these kids are too young and so stupid like Elon. AOC literally says these kids are ridiculously and Elon is the dumbest person she's ever seen. 🤣

Luke Farriotor was the first person to create an AI algorithm. To scan these scrolls from a volcano explosion like Pompe or something, that no one could decipher for like over 100 years. Here's a quick clip of him, tell me this nerd is dumb... Yea ooookay 🤣


January 28, 2025

DOGE and OMB (Office of Management and Budget) found that the Biden admin was about to send $37M to the World Health Organization and $50M to fund condoms for Gaza. Dood 🤦 this isn't what our tax money should be spent on! Just me? 🤔


LIVE NOW: TrutherCast Monday Night—Deep State’s bleeding! NGOs loot us, Fed’s f**ked, and Mockingbird’s toast! Join the live chat at TrutherCast.com—let’s rip it apart and Build a Better News Feed, bro!


😂 yeeessss, James O'Keefe stirring up Act Blue is faaaaantastic.


Woa Woa Woa Woa woooaaaa, Ray Epps connected to Hillary's lawyers that hired FusionGPS to cook up the ex british spy Steele dossier?!
The Ray Epps situation just got REAL DEEP.

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