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Join the community with Scott Lantow, traversing the waves of entanglement between alternate angles of culture, politics, space, science, weather, archeology, tech, design, business, woo-woo, and personal mindset.
Looking for freedom minded, small business, alternate thinking community type folks, so we can organize to work together to spread the word of truth! Often we plan to prove something isn't a conspiracy, but it often is... haha
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October 24, 2022

Is it starting to make any sense at all? Why I keep talking about BLM and Hunter. Biden? It's almost like I am trying to bring all of us Exposure and information about the disgusting acts that are going on below the surface coverage in the mainstream controlled news. BLM talks big game about being upset at the old white male system. That's allegedly systemically racist, but they put $30 million into the stock market, 2.2 million into transvestite nonprofit groups, and 2.3 million into A gay rights nonprofit that Patrice coolers girlfriend is the CEO of. Very few of them mentioned African American or any other important minorities of America. Hunter Biden is committing Wildly gross acts of criminal behavior against.. Women and children, do you think he is not a racist? He's definitely, literally a product of the old white man, corrupt, bad guy, establishment. And so this is the guy that's literally been a pawn funneling money into the Biden family Crime syndicate, perpetuating war and the military industrial complex. This system keeps Other countries down, and pillages them for their resources. Ever look into what countries?

Please consider At minimum giving Thought to accepting this information and looking into it more. Please consider attempting to offer some sort of a middle ground for homies like us to join in a same side type nature to bring awareness to these atrocities that are literally robbing America and not putting the money into where they say they are. I very much believe that if we could actually do this and get over our stubborn inability to accept these ideas, we would probably create a far better America for all of us, but more importantly, the future of our children. Hopefully you care at some degree about these concepts instead of just ney saying the factual Intel I post about every single day, for no monetary gain... 🤔

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February 27, 2025
Apple sucks! Flashes "Trump" before filling out the word "racist" when using voice to text.
February 05, 2025
Elon's 4 Horse Men

Ya'll see the 4 Horse Men team of Elon's coming to end the Woke in USAID? 🤔 😂

19 - 24yrs old, now Dems complain opposite of Trump, these kids are too young and so stupid like Elon. AOC literally says these kids are ridiculously and Elon is the dumbest person she's ever seen. 🤣

Luke Farriotor was the first person to create an AI algorithm. To scan these scrolls from a volcano explosion like Pompe or something, that no one could decipher for like over 100 years. Here's a quick clip of him, tell me this nerd is dumb... Yea ooookay 🤣


January 28, 2025

DOGE and OMB (Office of Management and Budget) found that the Biden admin was about to send $37M to the World Health Organization and $50M to fund condoms for Gaza. Dood 🤦 this isn't what our tax money should be spent on! Just me? 🤔


LIVE NOW: TrutherCast Monday Night—Deep State’s bleeding! NGOs loot us, Fed’s f**ked, and Mockingbird’s toast! Join the live chat at TrutherCast.com—let’s rip it apart and Build a Better News Feed, bro!


😂 yeeessss, James O'Keefe stirring up Act Blue is faaaaantastic.


Woa Woa Woa Woa woooaaaa, Ray Epps connected to Hillary's lawyers that hired FusionGPS to cook up the ex british spy Steele dossier?!
The Ray Epps situation just got REAL DEEP.

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