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October 16, 2022
Well this is fed up....

Do you or your kids like spongebob? Might want to start putting more effort into paying attention, and put an effort into telling your kids NO. And also not being lazy and explain to them WHY 👇

Someone posts about something being the villain in SpongeBob, simply trying to start a conversation about the show. I've always hated this show because of some reason, and when I found out the Riders are convicted pedophiles I just kind of assumed that's why but never really looked into the details. This person's post inspired me to type it in and check out the first thing that came up! 🤯

The most imposing and dangerous villain is actually the writers, then the entire production staff allowing this content to exist....

Personally I could never stand the show, something just felt off about it. This will certainly come off bragging or egotistical, but I find myself to have a very good radar for Content that has undertones that are a bit in the negative or absolutely messed up nature. You posted this and it made me think of the horrible writers, that I have since heard are convicted pedophiles and I always assumed that this is probably a big reason why I didn't like the show.

This inspired me to actually type in search for the first time, and what do you know this is the first article that comes up... just a heads up, I understand that you just were posting in genuine interest in the show however I find it in naive nature. Also please know that if you defend this, you are literally trying to convince me and thousands of other people that they are not slipping in gay verbal communication and normalization as a shoehorn for pedophilia. This is extremely important to me and I take it very serious, so you will be literally defending programming children to be normalized and groomed for pedophilia.

Apologize in advance, because I would hope that you could not watch this b* nor promoted anymore, now zooming out and realizing that this entire show is literally grooming children for pedophilia. If this is still hard to believe, think of all the other Disney shows that are now behaving in this manner subtly as well. And then ask yourself if you've heard anything about the global pedophile ring that Jeffrey Epstein and Elaine Maxwell were running, and why they have not released all the names on the list yet. Why do we all know that Epstein did not kill himself but none of us are demanding answers and non-destructively rioting to receive set answers and remove the politicians in control to allow for the entire Global pedophile ring to continue. I mean Joe Biden talks a real big game about the Saudis being bad guys, and then when he meets with them a couple weeks ago he literally fist bumps them like they're good buddies. Then you find out that Joe Biden's contact name and his son's phone is pedo peter, and they share p** links back and forth. When you add all these things together you find a core underlying thread that is pretty undeniable in my humble opinion, there is literally some sort of a force behind the scenes trying to erode the nuclear family in place for some dark creepy b*.... #savethekids #forthechildren

Let's all try not to be "witlessly confusing pedophilia with homosexuality," as "What troubles me as a critic is that the script seems expertly tailored as a tool for John Doe pedophile to convince his child neighbor that there are acceptable situations in which a grown man and a little boy may be in various states of undress together.".....🤦‍♂️

"In my freshly caffeinated state I expected to settle in for some standard kiddie humor along the lines of the Bugs Bunny variety that I grew up with. But after the false start opening of the film I found myself taking more notes for this children's cartoon than I did for Yimou Zhang's "House of Flying Daggers." In scene after scene I noted a relentless stream of phallic references scored by a plotline, character arc, and dialogue that was unmistakably rife with pedophile text. We're not talking "subtext" here, but rather an explicit line of thinking in the dialogue and character interaction that describes an intermingling of adult males with a boy whose only wish is to be treated as an adult."


Cited from: https://www.colesmithey.com/articles/2005/03/its_the_pedophi.html

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February 27, 2025
Apple sucks! Flashes "Trump" before filling out the word "racist" when using voice to text.
February 05, 2025
Elon's 4 Horse Men

Ya'll see the 4 Horse Men team of Elon's coming to end the Woke in USAID? 🤔 😂

19 - 24yrs old, now Dems complain opposite of Trump, these kids are too young and so stupid like Elon. AOC literally says these kids are ridiculously and Elon is the dumbest person she's ever seen. 🤣

Luke Farriotor was the first person to create an AI algorithm. To scan these scrolls from a volcano explosion like Pompe or something, that no one could decipher for like over 100 years. Here's a quick clip of him, tell me this nerd is dumb... Yea ooookay 🤣


January 28, 2025

DOGE and OMB (Office of Management and Budget) found that the Biden admin was about to send $37M to the World Health Organization and $50M to fund condoms for Gaza. Dood 🤦 this isn't what our tax money should be spent on! Just me? 🤔


LIVE NOW: TrutherCast Monday Night—Deep State’s bleeding! NGOs loot us, Fed’s f**ked, and Mockingbird’s toast! Join the live chat at TrutherCast.com—let’s rip it apart and Build a Better News Feed, bro!


😂 yeeessss, James O'Keefe stirring up Act Blue is faaaaantastic.


Woa Woa Woa Woa woooaaaa, Ray Epps connected to Hillary's lawyers that hired FusionGPS to cook up the ex british spy Steele dossier?!
The Ray Epps situation just got REAL DEEP.

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