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Join the community with Scott Lantow, traversing the waves of entanglement between alternate angles of culture, politics, space, science, weather, archeology, tech, design, business, woo-woo, and personal mindset.
Looking for freedom minded, small business, alternate thinking community type folks, so we can organize to work together to spread the word of truth! Often we plan to prove something isn't a conspiracy, but it often is... haha
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September 29, 2022

Perhaps this is one of the greatest examples of easy come easy go that we have ever seen in the entire modern history?
I wonder if this is part of the plan all along. In the moment we all squabble and freak out that America sold all of our labor over to China, to create sweatshop modern day slavery even worse than here in America.

Zooming out and looking at everything, it seems Americans were too autonomous to slave good enough, but the communistic culture of China was perfect for that behavior!

I mean now that China has been Maxed out with slave labor, now India has been taking over for the past few years, and most recently somewhat starting to take over the role of mass manufacturing, production and execution of ridiculously low wages for tons of hard sweat labor work. AKA Indian sweatshop.

So I watch a lot of documentaries about this development of China, and at the surface, with no conspiracy theory, it is non debatable that we sent over a lot of our business and literally funded the turn...

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February 05, 2025
Elon's 4 Horse Men

Ya'll see the 4 Horse Men team of Elon's coming to end the Woke in USAID? 🤔 😂

19 - 24yrs old, now Dems complain opposite of Trump, these kids are too young and so stupid like Elon. AOC literally says these kids are ridiculously and Elon is the dumbest person she's ever seen. 🤣

Luke Farriotor was the first person to create an AI algorithm. To scan these scrolls from a volcano explosion like Pompe or something, that no one could decipher for like over 100 years. Here's a quick clip of him, tell me this nerd is dumb... Yea ooookay 🤣


January 28, 2025

DOGE and OMB (Office of Management and Budget) found that the Biden admin was about to send $37M to the World Health Organization and $50M to fund condoms for Gaza. Dood 🤦 this isn't what our tax money should be spent on! Just me? 🤔

Cheating Democrats voting in Republican primary

They the shooter must have been pro trump maga because he was a registered Republican, well that doesn't prove political alignement like these people that claimndem but voted in rep primary.

February 17, 2025

It's time for the Monday night #TrutherCast! Confirmations, more slush fund exposure, what else got onto your last week's highlight list? Tell us in the live chat at 7:30p!

February 10, 2025

Well it sure is wild week of USAID fraud exposing the deepstate money laundering system, so let's sum it up so far! Anything else stand out for you? Let's go over it in the live chat! Join us over here:

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